Put nearly 90 years of experience on your side and choose some of the finest aggregate supply materials available. Homeowners, business owners and contractors across the region count on Wes Finch & Sons Excavating Ltd. for a complete selection of aggregate materials, including sand and gravel supply in the Muskoka region.
Our aggregates are ideal for residential and commercial use, the perfect finishing touch to any construction or landscaping project you’re planning. From landscaping to environmental remediation, our aggregates stand the test of time. Speak to our team to learn more about how the right aggregate choice at your home or business can increase your curb appeal, help your garden thrive and even boost your property value.

Our live mulch is a soil amendment for gardens and has low pH compost, ranging from 6.0 - 7.0, ideal for adjusting and maintaining pH balance. It improves aeration and water holding capacity and keeps soil loose and workable.

Gro-Max is formulated for maximum root growth, with a blend of compost, aged bark, peat and sand. It contains high levels of organic matter. This material is balanced for pH, water holding capacity and air porosity.

Crusher run is top material for road or driveways, available in 7/8", 2", 3", and 6". It is typically used as a base material for road or driveway building. It’s available in natural Muskoka Granite.

Clear granite stone is available in 1/2" to 3/4" clear, 3/4" clear, 2" clear, 3" clear. Typically used as drainage stone because it allows water to drain through. It’s available in natural Muskoka Granite.

Natural smooth Muskoka "River" stone is available in 1" minus, 3-5", and 4"-6". It’s perfect for landscaping, decorative smooth stone for water features, garden beds and down spout splash. We have a large selection to choose from and all our individual stones tell a story of time gone by. This is a great way to add a warm Muskoka touch to your landscaping needs.

Granite screenings or tailings are a great product to top on driveways, walkways, stair boxes, or under patio slabs and interlock stones. This material can be tamped to a smooth hard finish. It is also available in limestone.

Gabion stone is typically used in cribs to support docks or to control bank erosions and allow water for run-off control. It comes in various sizes: 4"-6", 6"-12". It’s most common and easily manageable for do it yourself, or Rip Rap 12" and above applications.

Our screened top soil comes from the heart of Muskoka. It is screened and is ideal for lawns whether you choose to grow grass from seed or lay prepared sod, or to freshen up top dressing lawn and land cover. This topsoil is rich in nutrients for gardens with the good sense to grow.

Our beach sand has been a favorite of many Muskoka resorts. The sand has been screened and contains just enough natural Muskoka silt to ensure it stays in place when wet. It’s ideal for cottages, horseshoe boxes, horse rings, and of course sandbox enthusiasts of all ages.

Our granular "B" grade gravel is a natural bank mixture of Muskoka sand and stone, 6" and smaller. It has many uses but is typically used for base material for road, parking and driveway construction.

Our mortar sand has been in demand by many local masonry craftsmen. It has been screened and is a true Muskoka land color, ideal for mixing mortar.

Concrete gravel is available in a fine or coarse grade, just let us know your preferences.

Whitby sand is filter bed sand that meets specifications by municipalities for 4F septic systems with graphed content materials.

Available in ½” and ¾” clear special blends, limestone could be the perfect addition to your construction project. It is commonly used as a packing material that is laid under concrete and asphalt driveways.

This mulch mimics the forest floor for gorgeous land cover.
For more information on our aggregate supply, contact Wes Finch & Sons Excavating today!